Anthony Michael Hall was one of everyone's favorite young stars of the '80s -- but what's he up to these days?


Anthony Michael Hall was a member of the Brat Pack -- that group of young actors who starred in many of writer/director John Hughes' films. Hall himself appeared in Hughes classics like 'The Breakfast Club,' 'Sixteen Candles' and 'Weird Science,' as well as in other movies like National Lampoon's 'Vacation.'


Anthony Michael Hall
Kevin Winter, Getty Images

After making it big as a member of the Brat Pack, Hall wanted to branch out and leave the dorky persona behind, so he joined the cast of 'Saturday Night Live' for a season back in 1985, and then he packed on some muscle for his role in 'Edward Scissorhands' in 1990 -- he played Winona Ryder's jerk of a boyfriend.

He also played Bill Gates in the 1999 Emmy-nominated TNT original movie 'Pirates of Silicon Valley,' and in 2002 landed his own USA series, 'The Dead Zone,' which ran for five seasons. You might have also seen him in a small role in 'The Dark Knight.'

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