The Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Grand Junction
Grand Junction's violent crime rate, as well as property crime rate, are well above Colorado's average, according to NeighborhoodScout.
Grand Junction has Colorado beat in property crime too.
Grand Junction has a crime rate of 55 per 1,000 residents. We've taken a look at the most expensive neighborhoods in Grand Junction and now let's take a look at the neighborhoods with the highest crime rates.
We're starting from the bottom with the least dangerous neighborhood and working our way to the most dangerous neighborhood.
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Pear Park
Pear Park in Grand Junction is the least dangerous neighborhood on this list. Pear Park spans from 31 Road to 32 Road and from I-70BL to the Colorado River.
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Highland Park
Highland Park in Grand Junction comes in as #4 on the list. This neighborhood lies from 30 Road to 31 Road and from I-70 to I 70BL.
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Appleton is the third most dangerous neighborhood in Grand Junction. The Appleton area is large it's approximately from 23 Road to 31 Road and all of north of I-70.
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The Rosevale neighborhood is from the Redlands Parkway to S 5th Street and from Riverside Parkway to Broadway. This is the second most dangerous in Grand Junction.
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Fruitvale is the most dangerous neighborhood in Grand Junction. Fruitvale spans from 29 Road to 30 Road and from I-70 to North Avenue/I-70 BL.