Since I love going to Sherwood Park to take a break at work, I wanted to know which parks you love. Here are the best three parks in Grand Junction, according to you.

Sherwood Park is across the street from our radio station and I love being able to walk over and go down the slide. Sherwood Park isn't the only I love going to, there are a lot of fun parks around in Grand Junction.

These are the parks you love the most, because you voted for them. Here are the three best parks in Grand Junction.

  • 1

    Canyon View Park

    703 24 Road

    You voted Canyon View Park as the number one best park in Grand Junction. I went to Canyon View Park recently and I was amazed at how big it is. I especially liked seeing fish in both of their ponds.

    Alicia Selin Townsquare Media
    Alicia Selin Townsquare Media
  • 2

    Lincoln Park

    1340 Gunnison Avenue

    Lincoln Park was voted as the second best park in Grand Junction by you. Lincoln Park has a lot to offer from the playground to the swimming pool. Last time I was at Lincoln Park I was celebrating National Sunglasses Day. (And was also contemplating going down the water slide.)

    Alicia Selin Townsquare Media
    Alicia Selin Townsquare Media
  • 3

    Sherwood Park

    1301 E Sherwood Drive

    Last but not least, is Sherwood Park. This is the third best park in Grand Junction according to you. Sherwood Park is where I like to take a break from work, walk across the street and down the slide. I really like the trees, the open space and how close it is to our radio station.

    Alicia Selin Townsquare Media
    Alicia Selin Townsquare Media

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