Do You Want Mesa County to Add Tax on E-Cigarettes?Do You Want Mesa County to Add Tax on E-Cigarettes?Mesa County is looking at adding an e-cigarette tax similar to what just happened in Aspen, Colorado.Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
Colorado Schools Use Alternative Discipline Method for Students VapingColorado Schools Use Alternative Discipline Method for Students VapingThis decision has been made in hopes that education about the substances, knowledge about alternative ways to deal with stress, and support from the school staff will deter students from using vape pens and e-cigarettes. Jordan SotoJordan Soto
Vaping-Related Illness May Be In ColoradoVaping-Related Illness May Be In ColoradoJust how safe IS vaping?Jack TaylorJack Taylor
Vaping Indoors May Soon Be EliminatedVaping Indoors May Soon Be EliminatedFor those who prefer to vape rather than smoke, doing so in public could become a bit more difficult.Jack TaylorJack Taylor