
‘Batman vs. Superman’ First Look: Henry Cavill Suited Up as Clark Kent
‘Batman vs. Superman’ First Look: Henry Cavill Suited Up as Clark Kent
‘Batman vs. Superman’ First Look: Henry Cavill Suited Up as Clark Kent
When director Zack Snyder unveiled our first look at Ben Affleck all suited up as Batman (with his trusty Batmobile by his side) in his upcoming turn in 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,' the photo in question sent the internet into a whirl of excitement. Unfortunately, the same can't really be said of Henry Cavill's reveal, primarily because it's not even of him as Superman, but rather his journalistic alter-ego, Clark Kent.
Awesome Alternate ‘Gravity’ Scene Makes The Movie Even More Super [Video]
Awesome Alternate ‘Gravity’ Scene Makes The Movie Even More Super [Video]
Awesome Alternate ‘Gravity’ Scene Makes The Movie Even More Super [Video]
  I've seen a lot of movies with alternate endings over the years -- like the depressing original finish to Army of Darkness or that bonkers version of Die Hard With a Vengeance where John McClane spins an actual rocket launcher around on a table while riddling Jeremy Irons -- and to be honest, I usually don't think they add much to the film. They're an interesting look into an alternate universe,
Read the Script For the Planned ‘Justice League’ Movie!
Read the Script For the Planned ‘Justice League’ Movie!
Read the Script For the Planned ‘Justice League’ Movie!
If you're one of the people who think Batfleck is a bad thing (for the record, we disagree), just remember to tell yourself, it could've been worse. Back in 2007, pre-production began on a 'Justice League' movie that would've cast D.J. Cotrona as Superman, rapper Common as Green Lantern and Armie Hammer as Batman, with Christopher Nolan's 'Dark Knight' trilogy never happening. The film never happe
Why Christopher Reeve Will Always Be Our Superman
Why Christopher Reeve Will Always Be Our Superman
Why Christopher Reeve Will Always Be Our Superman
Far be it from me to get involved with comparing and contrasting the merits of the new movie "Man of Steel" and the 1978 "Superman." However, having just seen "Man of Steel," I am forced to agree with the commercials. It is epic.... an epic mess. The filmmakers put plenty of "Super" in Superman, they forgot the "human" element. For this reason alon