You probably deserve some time off considering you're such a hard worker. These are all the reasons why you should leave work early this Friday. (June 1)
To continue to show support for law enforcement, not only in Grand Junction but nationwide, a local business is supplying a small token for its citizens to show their support.
It's possible that we now know why we often times feel so irritated at work, as a new survey reveals the most annoying buzzwords and phrases in the office.
The office environment is a great place to pull harmless pranks for April Fools Day. You just need a coworker that leaves their computer when they leave for meetings or lunch, then you do your dirty work and enjoy when they return. Just make sure they have a good sense of humor first.
Do you ever get tired while you're working? Just want to close your door, forget the boss and paperwork and take a nap? The benefits of napping at work have been realized by more companies that are encouraging napping at work, in a survey of 600 American companies 6% of workplaces had rooms dedicated to napping in 2011.