
Let’s Learn How To Swear Like The British Do [VIDEO]
Let’s Learn How To Swear Like The British Do [VIDEO]
Let’s Learn How To Swear Like The British Do [VIDEO]
Nothing cracks me up more than listening to the British swear. Not that I condone swearing but just watching this video actually enlightened me on several things I did not know, and now when I watch television and come across British show, I finally can understand what I am hearing.
Lady Gaga Wants Meeting With British Prime Minister
Lady Gaga Wants Meeting With British Prime Minister
Lady Gaga Wants Meeting With British Prime Minister
Lady Gaga is no joke when it comes to pushing her cause to the highest levels of government and authority. After trying to get President Obama’s attention regarding bullying, the singer is now attempting a meeting with David Cameron, the prime minister of Britain. She is seeking the meeting to discuss the global element of her Born This Way Foundation.