Snowmobilers Find + Rescue Puppies From Utah Mountain
Corey and Kat were snowmobiling when they found Great Pyrenees puppies on a mountain in Utah. They saved the puppies, who were living inside of a sheep carcass.
When Kat Perry and Corey Holt were riding snowmobiles on Saturday on Monte Cristo, dogs were the last thing they expected to see. They spotted a Great Pyrenees dog five miles away from the nearest paved road, according to the Denver Channel.
It was obvious that the dog just had puppies and there was no way the snowmobilers were just going to leave her stranded. According to Kat:
I'm not going to leave any animal on the mountain to starve, especially, it was obvious she had pups.
So the snowmobilers went back on Sunday to try to find the dog. Thanks to 'just dumb luck' they found the mother and her three puppies living in a sheep carcass. They were seeking shelter inside the carcass, which they probably found dead and had been eating on in the fall.
According to the Denver Channel, the mama was probably protecting a herd of sheep during the summer and probably left to have her litter when the rancher came to collect his herd.
Two males and a female puppy survived, who were just freezing cold, shivering balls of ice when the snowmobilers rescued them. Unfortunately, the couple wasn't able to rescue the mama dog, because she didn't trust them and they had no leash. They left 20 lbs of dog food for her and volunteers are searching for her.
The snowmobilers are thinking about keeping one of the puppies, whose name is Polar. The name is appropriate, considering the puppies look like tiny polar bears.
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