Six-Year-Old Girl Falls Off Eldora Ski Lift
I used to be terrified that this would happen to a child of mine. I remember holding onto the back their jackets several times and petrified that one might fall off.
My heart dropped when I heard about this sweet six-year-old girl that had been rushed to the hospital after falling 29 feet from a ski lift at the Eldora Mountain Resort.
According to the Boulder County Sheriff's Department, this frightening accident happened on a two-seat chair lift that did not have a safety bar.
Unfortunately, the little girl wasn't securely sitting on the lift as she started slipping. Sadly she ended up falling off once the chair started to climb.
Her fall had been close to the first pole and snow was not soft. It was hard packed snow which could have very easily killed her. Thank God it appears that her injuries are not going life-threating and she's going to survive this whole ordeal.
The incident is currently under investigation by the Boulder County Sheriff's Department and the management at Eldora Mountain Resort.
Prayers go out to this courageous young lady and her family.
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