Last night (March 4th) on the "Women Tell All" show, it was probably one of the best shows to date! Why? Because there were villains, liars and haters!

This might have been my favorite "Women Tell All" of all time! Not becuase of Terri-able sure had her "sparkle" moments and raising eye brows and tossing in that she was Little Miss. Nevada.She was given the chance to say I'm sorry but Teirra had a blank stare and said nothing! Every single on of the girls truly dislike and even more after last nights show.

But the big thing of the night was Ashlee F calling Sean a liar! I was screaming at the TV telling her to keep going and to get him really flustered!

It worked Sean was over the top freaked out becuase of what Ashlee said, I believe that she is correct and she said, "I never would call you out if you did not say it ..." and then went to commerical break!

But during the commerical break ABC played back the "oh crap" conversation that Ashlee and Sean had on the coach and it was the best TV ever!

What do think? Did Sean lie about saying that to Ashlee?

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