Romance Is Alive and Well At Grand Junction Grocery Store

It's nice to know that sweetness and romance is still alive in Grand Junction.
I was surprised to find the note pictured above in my grocery cart as I was checking out the other day at the grocery store. It's not my grocery list and the note was written to me. The note actually belonged to a previous shopper, but it really made me happy when I saw it.
Here's the way I think maybe things went down.
First of all, it would appear the wife sends hubby to the grocery store to pick up just a few things she needs to prepare the evening meal. It's not a long list, so it's a pretty quick, easy, and painless trip to the store for the guy.
Kudos to the wife for making the list in the first place and not just telling hubby what she needs and trusting that he'll remember everything and not screw it up. She's actually putting him in a position that increases his chances for a successful shopping experience. So many times, the guy is put in a position that dooms him to failure.
Of course, the kicker here is the little love note at the end. That's the bonus. Not only is she setting him up for success on this task, but she's also making him feel extra good by throwing in some love with the note as well. That is just extremely cute and adorable and I've got to believe it just made this guy's day.
There's probably some couples out there that could learn a helpful lesson from this example. It's the little things that can make such a huge difference in a relationship.
The last thing is whatever she's making for dinner sounds fantastic. It sounds like homemade macaroni and cheese -and I want the recipe. I'm used to mac & cheese in a box, which I think is good - and I like it-- but if she's making what I think she's making, I want some of that.
The bottom line is this. It did my heart good to see this little note in the bottom of my shopping cart -just to know that some romance is still alive in Grand Junction and maybe there's a lot more of it out there than we realize. The note wasn't even written to me and it made me feel good, so we can imagine how good it made this guy feel. Who knows, maybe he ended up going home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife and made her feel just as good.
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