Meowy Christmas: Roice-Hurst Humane Society’s Christmas Wish List
Our friends at Roice-Hurst Humane Society have put together a Christmas wish list. From paper towels to dog food, here's what's on their Christmas wish list.
This adorable reindeer/dog is Buddy, our Mix 104.3 Pet of the Week. Catch your Mix 104.3 Pet of the Week on air every single Tuesday at 2 p.m. During the Mix 104.3 Pet of the Week Roice-Hurst Humane Society brings in a cat or dog that's up for adoption and we take pictures and videos and talk all about them in hopes of getting them adopted.

We try not to get too attached during the Mix 104.3 Pet of the Week because we straight-up love animals and we want to adopt all of them but our significant other told us not to bring home any more animals. (For now.)
And during the Mix 104.3 Pet of the Week, Roice-Hurst Humane Society also shared their Christmas wish list with us. As much as I'm sure the employees would love a new TV, this list is all about the animals.
According to Roice-Hurst, if you bring an item from this Christmas wish list, you can receive 10% off your adoption fee. And you can bring up to five items to get up to 50% off your adoption fee from December 1 - December 24.
Roice-Hurst Humane Society's Christmas Wish List
- Kitty Litter - Unscented
- Case of canned cat/kitten food - Pate Style
- Case of canned dog food
- Dry dog food - 10 lbs or more
- KMR kitten milk replacement
- Snuggle Safe heating disks
- Multi-pack of paper towels
- Disinfecting wipes (2 pack or larger)
- Laundry detergent (150 oz or larger)
- Case of copy paper
You could be 'Santa Claws' this year by donating any of these items. I'm sure any one of these items (and maybe some toys) would make their Christmas. And if you're looking to adopt a fur baby, this is even better because you get to help all of the animals out and you also get a discount.
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