You've probably heard by now, but the Powerball Jackpot is $500 million. Hey! It might be worth the couple bucks to buy a ticket.

$500 million! Think about that for a moment.

If I won this monstrous jackpot, I have a few ides on how to blow through it pretty quickly.

1. Secure my future and buy a house, car and a small island. LOL

Ethan Miller-Getty Images
Ethan Miller-Getty Images

2. Take care of friends and family who have always been there for me. (Cause I am cool like that!)

3. Give my bill collectors a "what for!"

4. Buy an orangutan! Serious. They are soooo cute!

Paula Bronstein-Getty Images
Paula Bronstein-Getty Images

5. I would pay Led Zepplin to get back together again.

Hulton Archive-Getty Images
Hulton Archive-Getty Images

ANYTHING I WANTED! And I would enjoy all the entertainment and fun that life has to offer!

With an immense jackpot of $450 million, the incentive to spend your hard earned $2-$3 seems like a no-brainer.

My friend Brenden Fatchett said “I think you should buy a lotto ticket when you’re feeling lucky. And in the event you win nothing, you still help out Colorado Parks and Recreation,” so either way, it is a win win right?

So get out there and support not only your local park and rec, but support that one chance that you could have to live the life of luxury!

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