Polis Urges Colorado Protesters to Get Tested for COVID-19
Colorado Governor Polis encourages everyone who protested, especially in a large gathering like Denver, to get tested for COVID-19.
Polis said that even if you do not have symptoms, you should be tested seven days after protesting. The governor expressed that one of his greatest fears is that the virus will spread among protests and set Colorado back, as the state began making progress. Testing is free and quick at the Pepsi Center in Denver.
Only in the coming weeks, he said, will we know the health risk impact of this justified cause. However, the governor respects that this cause is considered essential to Colorado residents who can not remain silent.
'I see you, I hear you, I grieve with you and more importantly, I want to work with you,' he said to Denver's peaceful protesters.
Polis asks those protesting to please continue to maintain a six foot distance and wear masks, and for those of high risk of COVID-19 to find other ways to protest that will not put them in danger of contracting the virus.
COVID-19 Testing Site
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