Now You Can Choose: Storm Casa Bonita or Storm Area 51
Almost two million people have signed up to storm Area 51 and now you can storm Casa Bonita too. You can choose to storm Casa Bonita or storm Area 51.
Nearly two million people have joined the Facebook Group 'Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us.' According to the Facebook page, the raid is on Friday, September 20 and the details are:
We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry. If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Let's see them aliens.
Now you can storm both Area 51 and Casa Bonita. Someone has created a Facebook group called 'Storm Casa Bonita, Black Bart Can't Stop Us All.' Almost 1,000 people are signed up. The details for storming Casa Bonita, according to this Facebook page are:
We will all meet up at the fountain and coordinate our entry. If we Cartman run, we can move fatter than their bullets. Let's see them Divers!
Storming Casa Bonita's Facebook page says the event is set for Friday, September 20, the same day as the Area 51 raid. Let us know which one you'd rather go to in the comments.
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