Ready To Try the Newest Girl Scout Cookie Flavor In Grand Junction?
A brand new flavor has been added to the Girl Scout Cookie lineup.
Girl Scout Cookie Time Is Here
Although the cookie sale doesn't officially start until February, the Girl Scouts website proclaims "Girls are now selling cookies." You can find Girl Scout Cookies near you here.
Which Girl Scout Cookie Is Your Favorite?
As a self-proclaimed cookie expert, I can tell you that all of the Girl Scout cookies are delicious. Thin Mints seem to be the most popular cookie flavor, and they are delicious, but my personal favorite would be Trefoils - and I love the peanut-butter-flavored Tagalongs.
There Is A New Girl Scout Cookie In Town
The Girl Scouts have gotten into the habit of introducing new cookie flavors on a regular basis. Most recently we have seen the addition of flavors like Girl Scout S'mores, Adventurefuls, and Toffee-tastic. This year they are rolling out a brand new flavor.
Welcome To The Raspberry Rally
If you are a fruit lover, you will probably like the new Raspberry Rally. It's a thin, crispy cookie infused with raspberry, and dipped in chocolate. It looks great. I'm sure it's delicious just like all of the other Girl Scout Cookie flavors, but, for me, it presents a conflict. I'm not a big fan of combing fruit and fruit flavors with cookies, but I'm willing to give it a shot.