We’re pretty sure Lena Dunham is the darling of the critics because the critics are past their midlife and think she must be what all the kids are into today. Because it’s starting to become glaringly obvious that even she thinks she’s far more clever than she actually is.

For this reason, we’ve always found her somewhat annoying. And before you go calling us haters, slow your roll -- we didn’t say we hate her. We can't deny her relevancy, but that doesn't mean we can't be annoyed by it, too.

But now there’s a new reason to find her grating: She’s gone all fanboi on Taylor Swift. So now you can knock out both of them with one roll of the eyes.

Even more irksome than Dunham is the saccharine-sweet milquetoast of Swift with her farcically bitter love songs and the way she churns through celebrity boyfriends like they’re garage sale socks. So really, there’s no better match than Lena Dunham and Taylor Swift.

This seems like the makings of an episode of ‘South Park,’ but it's definitely real.

In a recent interview with V magazine, Dunham said the two of struck up a little Twitter friendship when Dunham tweeted that she liked Swift’s music. Lena's fans were not impressed, but she stood her ground -- and then learned her newest follower was T-Swizzle herself.

“She started following me," Lena said, "And here’s how you find out Taylor Swift is following you: you start hearing from all the insane Taylor Swift fans that are like, ‘If Taylor Swift loves you, I love you.’”

According to Dunham, “I sent [Taylor] a message, I was like, ‘I just want to let you know that your albums have gotten me through a lot of very hard times.’”

And lest you think her love for Swift is ironic, rest assured it is not. "I have no interest in liking anything ironically," Lena said. "If I wanted to be ironic, I’d grow a mustache.”

That seems less ironic than it does estrogen-challenged, but regardless, that’s how interesting Lena Dunham is -- Taylor Swift albums are what get her through hard times.

There you go, critics. This is your sweetheart.

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