Sexy alert!

Lady Gaga shared a photo of sexy time with her boyfriend, former ‘Vampire Diaries’ cast member and her ‘You and I’ co-star Taylor Kinney. This time, they’re taking a dip in a pool (check out that crystal blue water) and sharing a passionate kiss. Kinney is cradling the Mother Monster in his arms and we’re thinking she may be naked, given the strategic placement of her arms.

It’s a really intimate pic that shows how in love Gaga and Kinney are. Either that or they are engaging in some sort of new age water therapy.

Seriously, though, they look like a couple truly, madly and deeply in love and this image feels like something you’d see in a movie when a star-crossed couple reunites after many trials and tribs keep the apart. In the case of Gaga and her hunky actor, her touring and his new TV show separate them at times.

Gaga has spent the last couple of weeks using her platform to directly connect with fans and the site is quickly becoming the hub for all things Gaga. She’s sharing her personal scrapbook via the site and debuted her first “official” pic with Kinney not snapped by the paparazzi.

Oh, and did you see Gaga’s new tattoo? It’s the phrase ‘Artpop’ and it may very well be the title of her upcoming fourth album.

Watch the Lady Gaga ‘You & I’ video


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