Jessica Simpson’s Father Joe Arrested for DUI
Jessica Simpson‘s father and manager (which would make him her “dadager”) Joe Simpson has been arrested for DUI in the Los Angeles area. Ut oh.
Papa Simpson, 54, was pulled over by authorities in the Sherman Oaks area on Aug. 4, according to TMZ. He was busted at around 10PM. The cops surmised that he was intoxicated and thus brought Maxwell Drew’s grandfather in for booking. He was held overnight and released without having to post bail the next day.
The case has yet to be sent to prosecutors, but regardless, it’s not looking like Mr. Simpson will be seeing any jail time, since it his first offense. He might end up with a steep fine, which would be a much better option than heading to the clink.
This incident happened almost a week ago, but is only now making its way to the press. It would obviously have been a way bigger deal if, say, Jess or her little sis Ashlee had been busted for DUI, but since their father has been so intrinsically involved in their careers and because J. Simpson fans care about all the happenings in her entire life, this certainly raises curiosity and is of interest.
We hope that Papa Simpson learned his lesson and never repeats this no-no behavior. It’s a bad example for his daughters and new granddaughter. Plus, with a new baby, Jess doesn’t need to worry about this kinda stuff.
Watch the Jessica Simpson ‘These Boots Were Made for Walking’ Video