Indian Mascots Found Offensive-Colorado House Will Decide
Public schools in Colorado may be in for a change if a bill that would require public schools with American Indian mascots or logos to get permission from a panel of nine Native Americans is passed in the Colorado House.
There will be a new panel put together called the subcommittee for the consideration of the use of American Indian mascots by public schools.
The members of this committee would be comprised of American Indian Tribe members, and would hold the final say in whether or not a mascot is offensive.
This is where things get difficult for schools. Any school using a mascot would have to obtain permission or stop using the mascot within two years. If they do not comply, the school's would be fined $25,000 a month.
What are your thoughts? Do you think it’s offensive for sports teams to have a Native American mascot? Especially in the high school sector?