How Grand Junction Artist Lily Cain Started Teaching Art at CMU
This week, Mix 104.3's Local Love is all about Grand Junction artist Lily Cain. This is how Lily made her way to Grand Junction and started teaching art at CMU.
Lily Cain came into the studio with a bunch of beautiful pieces, one piece of her artwork had a shell on it, one with some plants, and one with hands, flowers and a rendition of her grandma's quilt. Her degrees are all in printmaking, but she's been focusing more on watercolor and drawing as of lately. Lily says no matter what she does, from drawing to watercolor to gouache, everything hones back into drawing.

Lily finished grad school in London and moved back in with her family in San Diego while she was looking for a job. She decided to reach out to her old professor at Sonoma State University to find some opportunities. He told her that Colorado Mesa University is doing a pilot residence artist program and a couple of months later, she moved to Grand Junction.
She started off her time at Colorado Mesa University as an artist in residence six years ago. Now she teachers Art 101 and Printmaking classes, all while working on her own beautiful artwork.
She's lived in San Diego, London and now Grand Junction. Lily says she loves living in Grand Junction because she feels like she has room to breathe here. There are so many natural elements here from the Monument to the Mesa, being in this environment helps Lily create.
Lily creates all kinds of things from moon paintings, custom Vans, custom face plates for ukeleles and a whole lot more. You can see Lily's beautiful work here.
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