A Couple Horses Take a Stroll on Patterson in Grand Junction
Talk about living in the wild wild west!
Drivers in Grand Junction caught a rare sight on Patterson Road today when a couple horses got loose and decided to take a stroll.
One Grand Junction, Leane Gagne, was in the right place at the right time and snapped a couple photos. She quickly posted them to a couple of Grand Junction Facebook groups seeking the owners, or someone who may know the owners. Leane posted on Facebook:
Seen heading west towards mesa mall on Patterson. 3 horses. Couldn't get great pics. I tagged anyone I thought might be able to share to more horsey people or that might by chance know there horses.
Since the original post went up around 1:00 p.m., the owners of the horses have been notified and are on their way to "rescue" their trusty steeds.
Just one more thing you have to love about living in Western Colorado.
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