WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Colorado has a lot of history, and each of the state's early settlements from its infancy has its own story. For example, some settlements like Denver became sprawling metropolises, some like Ashcroft were completely abandoned, and some like Leadville are still around but remain modestly-sized towns.

One of Colorado's earliest settlements, however, is still around but hasn't grown too much over the past century and a half or so. In fact, an old abandoned schoolhouse that has been around since 1913 is still standing in the tiny town of Garcia, Colorado, and may soon see new life.

Keep scrolling to learn about this tiny town, and what exactly is going on with this historic schoolhouse.

Historic Schoolhouse in Garcia Colorado

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As mentioned above, Garcia's schoolhouse building was first opened in 1913 due to a lack of transportation to the nearest town at the time, which was San Luis.

However, as roads and transportation were improved around the 1960s, the schoolhouse closed down and served other purposes such as Garcia's town hall, community center, and library.

Unfortunately, the library housed in the building closed for good in 1995 and the historic building has been sitting abandoned ever since.

However, there are currently groups trying to not just preserve the old adobe building, but once again repurpose it as well. In fact, the ideal scenario would be to use it as a learning center of some sort, but for now, it remains abandoned.

Trespassing into the old building is prohibited, but you can keep scrolling to take a virtual tour below:

Historic Abandoned Colorado Schoolhouse may Get Another Chance

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Take a walk through a historic Colorado schoolhouse that has been sitting abandoned for years, but just might get a second chance at life in the future.

Bizarre + Unsettling Things Found in this Burned Colorado Store

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

A Colorado building that served as a home and a store caught fire, and what was found inside afterward was unsettling, to say the least.

12 Abandoned Colorado Landmarks that Look Much Different Now

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These places in Colorado now look much different than they did prior to being abandoned.