Only in Colorado. This salesperson has a deal you simply can't refuse. You could be the proud owner a Blue Bird 'Hippie' bus that was owned by a little old lady from Pasadena who only drove it to church and back on Sunday's. How much? It could be yours for the low, low price of 2.5 pounds of Marijuana.

Okay, the part about the little old lady from Pasadena we made up, but the other part we couldn't make up if we tried. This wheeler-and-dealer from Colorado posted this add on Craigslist.

Selling my 25 foot Blue Bird bus. Currently living in it hooked up to electricity at a friend's house, wanting to buy my own. You can come by for a test drive or to look at it just call or text. Wanting to trade for 2.5 lbs of marijuana or 5k cash. Or maybe partial trade for classic VW. Contact for more info."

Judging by the add, it is hard to tell if he even owns the thing. The way it reads, it almost implies he doesn't. Is he wanting to buy his own bus, or his own friend's house?

What is a 'partial trade' for a VW? Does he only want certain parts of the VW?

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Buyer beware. Purchase at your own risk.

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