It is hard being a kid these days, and dealing with the pressures of normal life. When your child is dealing with a bully, it is worse, let alone a cyber bully. 

Helping your kids to understand that bullying is not right, or normal. It is even more important to help them understand what to do if they feel that they are being bullied in person or on the web. Here are some ways to help kids according to the Huffington Post

1. Shut the computer off- If your child feels that a cyber bully is attacking them. It is ok to tell your kids to simply shut the computer off, and walk away. It may be hard for them to do, but it is a sure-fire way to make the bullying stop.

2. Do not respond or retaliate- When a child is attacked in person or on the web, naturally they want to protect themselves. This is the worst thing they can do. The cyber bully is looking for a reaction, and if you do not give them one, you are helping to make the cyberbully's plan fail.

3. Block Them- If your kids receive instant messages or have a person on a buddy list who is being a bully. Block them. Then ensure your kids that it is ok to delete any message from them without reading them.

4. Save and Print- Two steps that can be very helpful. Save the message or printing it out can help to investigate the problem. It is also a great way to show parents or teachers exactly what is going on.

5. Talk- Let your kids know that it is ok to talk to a friend or adult if they feel bullied. It can help the situation and let out the pressure of what is happening.

6. Tell An Adult- Let your child know that it is ok to tell an adult immediately if a bully is bothering them. It is not being a tattle tail or wrong for doing this. It is a way to show that they are standing up for themselves and ensures that the safety of your child in school, at home, or online continues.

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