Grand Junction’s Absolute Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes
When I think of Thanksgiving I immediately think of my favorite Thanksgiving dish, stuffing. These are Grand Junction's absolute favorite Thanksgiving dishes.
Thanksgiving is so close and I can hardly contain my excitement. I keep thinking about all of the delicious food I'm going to eat and it just fills me with joy.
My absolute favorite Thanksgiving food is the stuffing, no doubt about it. I decided to find out what Grand Junction's favorites are by asking you on our Facebook.
These are Grand Junction's absolute favorite Thanksgiving dishes. (Well the top three favorites anyway.)
#1 - Green Bean Casserole
Much to my surprise, Grand Junctions number one favorite Thanksgiving dish = green bean casserole. I've never been much of a green bean casserole person myself, but props to Grand Junction for being healthy (ish).
#2 - Stuffing
Grand Junction's second favorite Thanksgiving dish is the number one thing I look forward to all year long. I like my stuffing a lit bit spicey and just like you, I like it straight out of the turkey.
#3 - Pies & Yams
Grand Junction is full of surprises when it comes to Thanksgiving. Neither pumpkin pie or yams pop into my head when I think of Thanksgiving. It's a tie for third place for Grand Junction's favorite Thanksgiving dishes.
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