Grand Junction’s Fall Bucketlist: What to Do Before It’s Too Cold
Now that fall is here, there's lots of things to do before it's too cold. After asking you on our Facebook, here is Grand Junction's fall bucketlist.
Since it's fall that means there's a lot of things to do here in Grand Junction. From watching the leaves change to going camping, here's Grand Junction's fall bucketlist.
This is definitely on my bucketlist. One day I'll work up the courage to take the narrow hike to the top of Mt. Garfield, one day.
I've already crossed this one off my bucketlist. I've got a few jackets that I can't wait to bring out.
I working toward hiking Mt. Garfield first and then I'll consider Pikes Peak. Ever since I moved to Colorado I've wanted to hike a 14er, and Pikes Peak could be the one.
Although this one isn't as fun as the other ones on your fall bucketlist, it's something I need to do too.
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