Happy National French Fries Day! Friday, July 13, we pay tribute to this staple of the American diet. Where's the best restaurant in Grand Junction to celebrate?

As I mentioned earlier this week, back in the mid-1980's, you could go to Prime Cut Meat Market, and prior to that, Sirloin Stockade, and get totally fresh cut french fries. On one occasion, those fresh cut french fries came with my cousin's fresh cut and severed fingertip. He worked there circa 1986 and cut off the tip of his index finger with the potato slicer. They had the send the manager in to find the tip.

In this case, those fries were 100% real potatoes, and to prove it, you could literally ring the grease out of them. In my cousin's example, there was meat in the potatoes. Talk about fresh.

I would imagine fresh cut real potato french fries are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. From what I hear, if anyone knew the process involved in making a fast food french fry, no sensible human being would ever touch one again.

In any event, today, Friday, July 13, 2018, is National French Fries Day. Where shall we celebrate? According to you, via data collected from an online poll, these are the top five places in Grand Junction for french fries.


Congratulations Red Robin. They do have good fries. More than anything, they have tons of good fries. The last time I was there the waitress never stopped bringing more. As soon as the basket grew close to empty, POOF!... there was a fresh basket full of fries.

Let's face it, most restaurants serve awesome fries. These are the top five in the valley, per your votes. Thank you for participating. Now get and celebrate.

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