Thankful Three: Grand Junction Is Thankful For These Three Things
There's so much to be thankful for, it's hard to narrow it down to just three. The first things that come to mind that I'm thankful for are my cat, my family, my health, and my job. (See, I said it was hard.)
We asked you on our Facebook and these are the top three things that Grand Junction is thankful for.
Thankful Three: #1 - Family
The number one thing that Grand Junction is thankful for is their family. This was one of the first things I thought of too. I'm very close with my family and cherish every minute I get with them. I feel like friends come and go but family is forever.
Thankful Three: #2 - Home
Here's the number two on Grand Junction's thankful three list -- it's a home. I love coming home every day to a safe, comfortable place. I always look forward to relaxing on my couch surrounded by the people I love. (My boyfriend and my animals.)
Thankful Three: #3 - Music
Grand Junction's third thing they're most thankful for is music. Some had specific genres like punk rock and others just said our radio station. (P.S. we love you and are thankful for you too.) Music is my job and I'm forever thankful to combine my passion with my work. Music has a way of taking us places without ever leaving.