Days after the full trailer for Frozen 2 debuted online, members of the film’s creative team revealed new details about the movie this week at the Annecy Animation Festival. According to The Hollywood Reporter, they also revealed when the film is set: Three years after the events of Frozen.

Head of animation Becky Bresee described the movie this way:

‘It's an evolution and an expansion of the story of Frozen, and many of the questions raised in the first movie become the mysteries that our gang are trying to solve in this film,’ said Bresee, who said the main question of the film is: “Why was Elsa born with her powers?’

Bresee also showed some clips from Frozen 2, including “Elsa hearing a haunting sound from the forest,” as well as images of “her father telling her bedtime stories as a child” about “a battle that happened in the forest long ago when the spirits of the forest faced off against the people of the kingdom.” This story somehow relates back to Elsa, her powers, and the adventure she undertakes in the new movie.

Disney’s also debuted several new images from the film online, including the one above (note the ice castle in the mountain in the background, and the following two images of Anna and Olaf and Elsa under water:


Here’s the film’s official synopsis:

In Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Frozen 2, Anna (voice of Kristen Bell) and Olaf (voice of Josh Gad) venture far from Arendelle in a dangerous but remarkable journey to help Elsa find answers about the past. From the Academy Award®-winning team—directors Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck, producer Peter Del Vecho and songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Frozen 2” opens in U.S. theaters on Nov. 22, 2019.

We’ll have much more about Frozen 2 closer to the film’s release.

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