Exactly How Much Hunger Do We Have in Mesa County?
We are all aware of the problem of hunger in our world, in our nation, and in our community. But, how much hunger do we really have in Mesa County?
The fact is, there are many agencies, groups, organizations, and churches that are regularly providing meals and food for those in need in Mesa County. With so many involved with various distribution sites and methods it can be difficult to determine exactly how big the need is.
But, when we look at some of the major food providers in the county, we start to get an idea of just how big the hunger problem is in Mesa County.
- In it's annual report, Food Bank of the Rockies indicated it was involved in 106 hunger relief programs on the Western Slope, distributing more than 5 million meals during the fiscal year ending June 2015. FBR on the Western Slope provided nearly 4,000 Kids Cafe meals monthly, and almost 2000 Senior Totes filled with food every month.
- The Salvation Army serves more than 2000 people in its breadline every month, while serving more than 600 high school lunches, and providing government food commodities to more than 500 people each month.
- The Community Food Bank in Grand Junction, which provides food to anyone in need has received more than 20,000 requests for food in the last 3 years.
Most of us do not go to bed hungry every night, but there is a great number of people in our community that do,and there are many other groups helping to feed our hungry.
We can see the need is great, which is why this Saturday's Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive in Mesa County is so vital. Residents are asked to place a bag or two of non-perishable food by their mailbox this Saturday (May 14), and the letter carriers will collect all the food. The donated food will be distributed to various local food pantries like the Community Food Bank, The Salvation Army, Catholic Outreach and others.
A big thank you to all of the letter carriers as they partner with United Way of Mesa County.
Imagine for a moment that you are one of the hungry ones. Wouldn't you feel extremely grateful to all of the people who cared enough about you to donate?