Denver RTD Joins Dumb Ways to Die Campaign
As you start watching this video, you might think it's an April Fools Day prank. If you watch all the way to the end, you'll understand why Denver RTD decided to join this campaign.
This campaign was launched in Melbourne, Australia a few years ago as a catchy way of getting commuters riding the Metro trains not to do dumb things around the trains.
Denver RTD decided if this campaign worked in Melbourne, it would also work as a public safety message in the Mile High City.
The message is geared for both the people who ride the buses and light rail, and those who aren't using mass transit, but put themselves in danger around the city's buses and trains.
To some, the song and the animated characters are as dumb as the ways to die. At the same time, this wacky song has a tendency to get stuck in your head, even if you don't want it to.