Finally a dislike button.! Thank you, Facebook! Here are the Top 5 types of people on my dislike list.

1. People who post about the babies mama's mama, father's, brother's, uncle's baby. First of all, I can't follow the trail to know who the baby really belongs to. just figure out who it is first, and then post it. Make me feel like I haven't lost 2 minutes of my life trying to figure it all out for you. Or perhaps, go on the Maury Show before you post about it. He can get you an answer.

2. The "like it, or you are off my friend's list person." How annoying. Really? If I do not like your new rainbow colored toes, and I understand that you spent good money to get them done. But do I really have to acknowledge that you're happy about it by hitting like? If I do not do this I am done? Wow, um....DISLIKE!

3. The "Read it, copy it and post to all your friends" person. Wow, if I took the time to do this for every person on my friends list, I would be online for months. My co-workers would miss me, my family would think I disappeared, and the only excuse I would have is "But I had to cut and paste it to all my friends" it was that important for me to do that. No, it really isn't. DISLIKE!

4. "Click and Share and you could win big!" Wow, if that is all it takes, I would quit working tomorrow. However, anyone who has done this finds that there are tons of pop ups and you end up going from site to the site of "Buy Now and you COULD win". Eeek. Not for me. DISLIKE!

5. My final type of person that I will use the dislike button for. "The Constant Complainer". Facebook is a social media outlet yes. But you know, if all you do is complain, or tell me on a daily basis how much your life sucks. I really do not want to hear it. I am the type of person who likes to have friends around who are happy, and show me, tell me about things that are positive. I get it. People have bad days, but when your Facebook posts become a novel of "I cannot stand her, or he is a pig or my life sucks or let me tell you why your life is worse than mine (my life is not that bad!). I would suggest finding a counselor and getting some issues taken care of. Oh, and do me a favor, quit bringing everyone around you down. Now I am questioning if I should get help, to sit in an office and explain why you made me feel so bad.


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