The holiday season can be stressful, so check out this cool gift wrapping hack! Gift wrapping has never been so easy.

Let's face it, life is just easier with hacks. That's why they're called hacks, right? These hacks are especially helpful at stressful times during the year like Christmas.

Every year I procrastinate anything that has to do with Christmas. This year I decided to change that. I went shopping and got all my gifts bought early, I set up the tree already, and I put up all of my lights. I just forgot to not procrastinate the gift wrapping. I still haven't done it.. until now! This is going to make it SO easy. Maybe I can procrastinate some more and just get it done Christmas Eve night, since I can do it so fast now! Man, I need help.

It might take yo a little while to get this wrapping hack down ( it did for me at least) and not all of your gifts are the same shape... but this will basically turn any novice gift wrapper into an expert. Did the hack help you?

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