Grand Junction Community to Come Together for Delaney Clements
This Wednesday, you are invited to Lincoln Park in Grand Junction to participate with the decorating and lighting of a tree, all in support of 13-year-old Delaney, a young girl from Grand Junction battling cancer.
Grand Junction Parks & Rec is hosting a tree lighting this Wednesday, December 16, at 5:30 p.m., at Lincoln Park just South of the barn. Be ready to decorate the tree with a purple or gold ribbons, or whatever your family would like to place on it.
For more information, contact Grand Junction Parks & Rec at 254-3866. Parking is available at Lincoln Park.
Let Delaney know you are thinking of her. With any luck, Delaney will be home in time to see the tree lighting. Let her know her voice has been heard.
In the meantime, Western Colorado continues with efforts to insure Delaney's one wish comes true - a chance to meet Taylor Swift. Use social media to spread the word, and make certain Taylor Swift gets the message. Head to your favorite social media sites and encourage everyone to share: #DelaneyMeetTaylor.