Red Rocks Amphitheater is known for being one of the most gorgeous concert venues in the United States, if not the world. That pretty view comes at a price, though.

Red Rocks is an extremely difficult venue to navigate.

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Endless stairs, confusing parking, high altitude, and unexpected weather all can come with a Red Rocks concert. So here is some advice to help you enjoy this beautiful venue.

Parking at Red Rocks

First things first, arriving there.

Red Rocks parking can often be a bit confusing but don’t worry. No matter which lot you park in, staff always guides you where to park. The Colorado music venue has five lots to choose from, but I would recommend three of them. The upper north lot, upper south lot, and lower north lot are all closer to entrances.

There are two entrances to the Red Rocks Amphitheater, and depending on where you sit, it will affect which one you want to park nearby.

One entrance is on the east, and the other is on the west side. Be careful, though, because if you get there too late, you might have to park on the road, leaving you with quite the hike.

red rock parking map
Red Rock Amphitheater

The great thing about parking at Red Rocks is that you can get there up to two hours before the event. If you plan, you can even tailgate with friends. It’s always a blast to have food, drinks, and music with friends before the concert.

In the Red Rocks Concert Venue

Sitting on the rocks before the main band can get uncomfortable. Even worse, if it rains. You must be prepared at this concert venue. Blankets and jackets are always a good idea to cushion the rocks and fight the cold. (Stadium cushions allowed. Sorry, no yoga mats.)

And it never hurts to keep a raincoat on hand. But knowing Colorado, there also is ridiculous heat that comes out of nowhere. Make sure to check your weather app and dress to match the temperature.

How to survive the stairs at Red Rocks

Everyone knows the true biggest challenge of Red Rocks. The stairs.

The venue feels as if it is an endless climb.

When I went to my first concert at Red Rocks, I underestimated the stairs. Once I was climbing, I realized I had forgotten my inhaler. Let’s just say it was a long time until I reached my seat. So, when you go, bring water and don’t forget your inhaler like I did.

Be prepared. Be safe. And, most importantly, have a good time at Red Rocks.

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