The rush-hour traffic, high gas prices, and inclement weather are burdens for Colorado driving, but is the grass greener elsewhere?

According to a recent report by Wallethub, Colorado ranks 44th when it comes to the "2022 Best and Worst States to Drive In" list. Yikes.

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Statistics Don't Look Good For Colorado Driving

When the data is compared across the country, Colorado doesn't shine very brightly.

Unfortunately, Colorado lands in the bottom 10 with the following states:

  • Wyoming
  • Missouri
  • Michigan
  • Washington
  • Maryland
  • California
  • Delaware
  • Rhode Island
  • Hawaii

Colorado Is Number 1

One of the worst things uncovered in the data is that Colorado is actually the state with the highest amount of car theft.

Word to the wise? Lock it or lose it.

The good news/bad news is that Colorado doesn't rank first or last in anything else.

What Makes Colorado Driving So Bad?

The experts looked at a wide range of factors to determine their rankings. The four main factors considered were:

  • Cost of Ownership & Maintenance
  • Traffic & Infrastructure,
  • Safety
  • Access to Vehicles & Maintenance.

Everything from gas prices, the number of car washes per capita, and even the amount of precipitation were considered.

While on paper, driving in Colorado may seem horrendous, however,  in my opinion, it really isn't bad at all!

Source: WalletHub

The report considers Texas one of the best states to drive in, and I almost fell over laughing while reading that. Highway construction is no joke down South and I would much rather drive through the beautiful mountains any day.

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