What's something that will annoy almost every true Coloradan in the room? Probably mentioning that you just moved here from California. Yup, that would do it.

The great people of the Centennial State love our home. We don't like changing it for transplants, and we don't like people moving here and trying to turn our state into something else.

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We Asked You To Tell Us Something That Annoys Every True Coloradan

"Running out of good beer" was a great answer from Karen M. Deneen O said she gets annoyed by people who move to Colorado and complain that it's cold and it snows here. Shawna took the 'one-word' approach and told us one word that annoys every Coloradan is hearing someone pronounce the town Ouray like Ooooray.

People Who Can't Handle Winter Driving

Visitors in Colorado who can't drive on mountain roads or in snow and ice will usually annoy most people on the road behind them. They ride the brakes and slide everywhere. Of course, seeing California plates on these vehicles is almost never a surprise.

The Coloradans Did Not Bring Any Pot

I cracked up when Walter Wood posted the comment that it annoys him when he travels out of state and gets asked if he brought any pot with him. I don't know that the rest of the world will ever accept that not everyone in Colorado puffs on the devil's lettuce. The pot stigma does annoy most residents...unless they are high.

25 Things That Will Always Annoy a True Coloradan

Today we are looking at things that annoy us here in the great state of Colorado. A perfect example would be how every Coloradan is annoyed when the Broncos fall flat to begin another football season. What else annoys true Coloradans? Find out by scrolling through the slides below.

KEEP GOING: Name a Colorado Town that Most People Mispronounce?

There are plenty of Colorado towns that people just can't pronounce correctly. It's not just the newbies either. Plenty of Colorado natives also have issues saying and spelling towns in our state as well. Which one always gets you? Let's take a look:

MORE: 15 Small Town Colorado Restaurants That Are Worth the Drive

Some of Colorado's small towns are home to some amazing menus!

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