Colorado School of Mines Succeeds Harvard for Brainiest Colleges
Well, how about that.
Lumosity which is a well-known brain training company has revealed who was rated as the 2019's Brainiest Colleges in America.
This year one of Colorado's very own School of Mines beats out Harvard University and Princeton University among several others for being the Brainiest College in America.
I have to agree that everyone I know that has graduated from the Mines or is currently attending the Mines are like little encyclopedias. It's amazing,
I'm so impressed when I have an opportunity to speak to young adults and when they talk I hear knowledge that is above and beyond anything I've ever heard before.
My own children are like this and I tell them all the time how incredible they are and how they impress me with their scholarly brains. It truly blows me away.
There are 25 Colleges they ranked but the top seven Brainiest Colleges are as follows:
Dartmouth College first, Carnegie Mellon College second, Massachusetts Institute of Technology third, Colorado School of Mines forth (woot-woot), Harvard University fifth, Princeton University sixth, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
There are a lot of young brainy people out there that should be proud and not ones that cheat to get there.
Way to go Colorado School of Mines.
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