Coffee Shop in Grand Junction Closing (But There’s Good News)
This coffee shop in Grand Junction is unfortunately closing. It's sad to hear there will be one less places to get the nectar of life -- coffee. But wait, there is good news.
Jitterz Coffee currently has two locations, a coffee shop in Orchard Mesa and a coffee hut on 7th and North. According to their Facebook, one of their locations is closing.
On Friday, March 22, Jitterz Coffee will be permanently closing their Orchard Mesa location. Their Facebook states that they've received a great offer on their property -- an offer they can't refuse.
The good news is Jitterz Coffee Hut on 7th and North will still be open and wait -- there's even more good news. Jitterz is working on opening a coffee shop in downtown Grand Junction. They're currently remodeling it and are excited to share the news with their loyal customers.
Jittzers Coffee has made some great memories at the Orchard Mesa location but is ready for what's next. Here's the full statement from their Facebook:
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