Xtina Through the Years

Christina Aguilera just keeps getting better.

The powerhouse vocalist has proven to be ahead of her time over and over again throughout her prolific career, from Stripped self-empowerment equality anthems "Beautiful" and "Can't Hold Us Down," to 2006's jazz-inspired Back To Basics to the electro-pop stylings of Bionic, which brought Sia, Ladytron, Peaches and Nicki Minaj to the forefront before anyone else.

Accordingly, her advanced style also calls for some pretty out there fashions.

Xtina's never been shy about expressing herself with an ensemble that'll get 'em all talking, which she's proven with her daring looks on stage, on the red carpet over and on the silver screen (BURLESQUE)! over the course of her nearly two decade-long career. Remember that "Lady Marmalade" hair? Or the "Dirrty" chaps? How 'bout those red extensions? Why, of course you do.

While the singer takes some time off from her current throne — the red swivel chair on The Voice — and focuses on recording her next studio album, it's time now to rise up, embrace the unbreakable flower within and praise the outrageous, eye-popping looks of the one and only Lotus legend herself, Christina Aguilera.

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