The Grand Junction Rockies will start their 2017  season in less than three months and they are wondering if you could be a host family this year.

Being a Rockies' host family essentially you are providing a home away from home for a prospective big league ball player during the baseball season. Players report to Grand Junction the second week of June and the season will wrap up in early September.

During the season, the Rockies are on the road for half the games so being a host family means you have a house guest for about 45 nights.

These are young people hoping to one day make it to the majors, so having a comfortable place to be when they aren't engaged in baseball activities is essential to their development and adjustment to life as a professional baseball player.

Hosts families receive tickets to Rockies' home games at Suplizio Field, host family functions, and, who knows - may be instrumental in the life of some future hall-of-fame player.

If you are interested in being a host family for the Grand Junction Rockies and giving a  young player a place to hang his hat, contact the Rockies front office at 970-255-7625 or Tim Ray at 970-250-2057.



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