This Bad Lip Reading Of ‘The Walking Dead’ Is Awesome [VIDEO]
Rick, Carl, and the rest of the group on 'The Walking Dead' season 4 (including the walkers) get bad lip read... this might be the best one yet!
Hopefully this isn't your first encounter with "Bad Lip Reading" but if it is, you have some catching up to do! They have tons of videos exactly like this... reading what it looks like the person's lips are saying. This isn't the first time they've done 'The Walking Dead' but it might be the best one.
I think the best part of these videos is the voices they use when they're reading their lips. Plus, it's crazy what it really does look like they're saying all of these crazy things... at least to the untrained eye. It's also just an added bonus when they're turn a scene into a rap like "Carl Poppa (La Jiggy Dar Dar Doo)".
Usually I find one line that stands on the me, one that makes me laugh the hardest and this time it was when the walker was singing "I'm gonna say hi to the guy with the knife... HI". Greatness. After some thought, maybe the best part is that this was titled as a "part one"... so a "part two" will hopefully be here soon!