We all know the Grand Junction area is beautiful from the on-Earth perspective. Here's a far-out look at Grand Junction from space, courtesy of an astronaut.

Astronaut Randy Bresnik might have the best view of all time. His photos of Grand Junction and Mack from space are astounding.

At first, it's hard to make out any signs of human life because we're so small. I think we sometimes forget our own size and these pictures really put it in perspective. Suddenly, my problems seem much more trivial and I feel more -- grounded.

Photos like this remind me of how lucky I am to live in a place like this. The textures and colors of Grand Junction and Mack seem endless.I love how the snow contrasts with the adjacent darker colors.

The touches of red are beautiful (which just so happens to be my favorite color) and the rolling landscape is soothing and peaceful. I wonder if the astronaut is more at peace in space than he is on Earth.

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