Aspen Officials Advise Against Selfies With Bears
Numerous bears were removed from a tree on Hyman Avenue Mall in Aspen on September 13. This created a huge crowd, and in response, officials advise against taking selfies with bears.
A mama bear and her two cubs were removed from this tree in Aspen yesterday and it did not go unnoticed. By the time they got the bears down, there was a large crowd. People were pictures and videos and not thinking of the danger of the situation. Aspen Police said it's illegal to harass wildlife of any kind, including bears, according to KJCT.
The Aspen Police Department then put the above PSA on their Facebook to "Be Bear Aware." This is a reminder that bears are wild, unpredictiable and can be protective. Aspen Police Department reminds you to be respectful, try to coexist and:
- Don't stand too close to the bear, give them space
- Don't chase them
- Don't surround them
- And DO NOT try to take a selfie with them
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