American Idol is back and auditions for the show are coming to Denver.

We thought perhaps we had seen the last of American Idol when FOX decided not to continue with the show, but, it's back from a near-death experience thanks to ABC.

There are a lot of unknowns about the new American Idol, like who the panel of judges will be and whether or not Ryan Seacrest will be the host.  We do know that Katy Perry will be one of the judges. Former Idol contestant Chris Daughtry is also reported to be on the panel as well.

The other thing we know is that there will be an audition session in Denver on August 26 as part of the west coast bus tour, which also includes Provo, Utah and Omaha, Nebraska.

If you want to audition for the chance to be America's next superstar, here's what you need to know. Prior singing experience is not required, however, singing ability seems to be pretty high up on the priority list.

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