It seems like it has been a few months since we have heard about mascots making changes. But lawmakers here in Colorado have been working quietly and according to The Durango Herald, all schools in our state might ban Native American Mascots by October.

Senate Bill 116 is sponsored by three different State Representatives and if passed this would prohibit school K-12 and colleges from using a Native American mascot. If this bill does pass then that school could face serious fines.

Beyond Banning Native American Mascots in Colorado There Are Other Laws That Schools Would Need To Follow

Other than just removing Native American mascots from the schools it would also ban any "name, symbol, or image that depicts or refers to an American Indian Tribe, individual, custom or tradition that is used as a mascot, nickname, logo, letterhead, or team name for the school."

If this bill passes all schools would have until October 1st to make the necessary changes. If the deadline isn't met any school could face a fine of up to $25,000 per month until all issues are resolved. All money collected would go to the Colorado State Education Fund.

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There Are Few Exceptions to the Rule of Banning Native American Mascots in Colorado

The only exceptions for this rule would be in schools have an agreement in place prior to June 1st, 2021 with a federally recognized Native American tribe. Schools operating within an Indian reservation would also be exempt from the rule.

There are many lawmakers that think this will put a huge financial burden on many schools that cannot afford to make this change, especially after the pandemic.

This bill has already passed in the House. Next, it's up to Senate lawmakers and if it's passed there it will go to Governor Jared Polis for final approval.

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