5 Reasons You May Not Enjoy Western Slope Uncorked
Western Slope Uncorked is set for August 1 at Powderhorn. It's your chance to enjoy wine tastings and Restless Heart will even be there. It's a ton of fun, but maybe not for everyone. We've decided to play devil's advocate and come up with the top 5 reasons why you may not enjoy Western Slope Uncorked.
5. You enjoy things corked. It happens. Pulling the cork out of a bottle of wine can be a lot of work. We wouldn't want you to injure a wrist or something. The truth is, you could have someone else uncork it. But, we're not trying to push the issue.
4. You can't stand sitting so close to pretty mountains. The beauty of Powderhorn isn't for everyone. Maybe you grew up in Topeka and can't bear the thought of having your view of the sky blocked by big Aspens. If flat plains and the occasional barn are your ideas of "scenic", you may not enjoy Western Slope Uncorked.
3. You believe that wine is just the result of cruelty to grapes. Some people like grapes just the way they are when they're young. Sure, there's a little violence involved in the wine making process. If you have a t-shirt that says "Grape Abuse Is For Losers", you won't enjoy Western Slope Uncorked.
2. You don't like smiling. The unusual upward curvature of the mouth happens a lot at Western Slope Uncorked. That happens when people are tasting fine wine and enjoying themselves. If you prefer posting disgusting medical pictures to scare your friends on Facebook, don't come to Western Slope Uncorked.
1. You don't like to relax. If your idea of a good time is standing in the 20 Item Or Less Express Line behind an extreme coupon lady arguing with the checkout lady about why they don't honor a competitor's coupon, you won't enjoy Western Slope Uncorked.