The current Powerball jackpot is hitting record levels. But the odds of winning are definitely not in our favor. There are a ton of things that could happen to you that have much higher odds than actually winning the lottery.

People are running out and buying that chance of having money for the rest of their lives. According to Time Magazine, there are a lot better chances of these things happening to you verses actually winning the lottery. This should put things into perspective.

1. Dying from an asteroid strike: 1 in 74,817,414

2. Getting killed by a terrorist act in the United States: 1 in 10,000,000

3. Getting murdered during a trip to the Grand Canyon: 1 in 8,156,000

4. Dying from chronic constipation: 1 in 2,215,900

5. Becoming a movie star: 1 in 1,505,000

6. Getting struck by lightning: 1 in 1,101,000

7. Dying from a hornet, wasp or bee sting: 1 in 79,842

8. Bowling a 300 game: 1 in 11,500

9. Being the same height actor Hugh Jackman, who is 6-foot-2: 1 in 23.3

10. Becoming disabled, disfigured or killed by a parasite: 1 in 7.2

These items are not necessarily anything that I would like to happen to me. But is that going to keep me from trying for the big prize.....probably not.

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