Modern technology is often a wonderful thing, but in some instances we actually prefer the old technology to the new.

Modern conveniences are sure nice, but any more it's gotten to where you can't even go to the grocery store without getting in on someone's private cell phone conversation.  Can any of us remember when we didn't have instant access to the internet via smart phone, iPad, tablet, or computer? Shoot, can we even remember when there was no internet??

On Reddit the question was asked what old technology do you prefer  to new. Here's the most popular answers. Sometimes new technology can make things easier and more convenient, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily better.Can you relate to any of these?

1.  Paper books over e-books.

2.  Popcorn in a pot with oil.  It tastes so much better than microwave popcorn.

3.  Manual transmission . . . it's more fun to drive and easier to maintain.

4.  An old 10-cent Bic razor over an electric razor . . . or a six-blade vibrating razor.

5.  Walking around Blockbuster to find a movie instead of flipping indecisively through Netflix over and over.

6.  Brewing nice, regular coffee . . . nothing flavored and no pods or Keurig cups.

7.  Taking notes with a pen and paper, not on a laptop or a tablet.

8.  A manual can opener . . . one that cuts from the side, not through the top.

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